SPINNING & SPOTTING workshop - improvers


The workshop is organised usually once in a year time, so please monitor the schedule to subscribe to the next occurrence. You can also contact me for "spontaneous" registration. The more requests I receive - the sooner I will organise the next session :)


MEN & WOMEN of at least IMPROVER level of salsa dancing (ALL STYLES). Although we will do couple of exercises in couples at the end of the workshop, a dance partner is not required.


During the workshop we will cover:

SPOTTING TECHNIQUE - the basics, benefits and it's application in basic turns & pivots;

• intro to SPINNING TECHNIQUE, full turns, half turns, quarter turns executed on one spot and during pivots

• a simple turn pattern (partner work) where both men and women will be able to test and practice learnt techniques.

I break down spinning technique onto two separate workshops. This one dedicated to improvers (with max. 1 full or 1,5 turn) and the second dedicated to intermediate & higher levels, where 1,5 turn is a minimum.

How to prepare

Do not eat heavy meals at least 1,5 hour before the workshop - it’s best to come on empty stomach. Wear dance shoes (jazz shoes, dance sneakers, Latin dance shoes) or at least shoes that do not have a rubber sole, which would stick to the floor and make turning difficult.